This question already has good answers, but I wanted to mention an insanely annoying and hard-to-find problem I experienced with unit testing that was caused by a relative import.
The expect
fail indicator for an exception-catching expect block
() => myFunction,
was showing the actual
result as exactly the same as the expected
result, and zero indication of why it's failing.
After massive trial-and-error, the issue was because the expected InvalidUserDataException
(a custom-made class) was being imported to the test file in RELATIVE format vs PACKAGE format.
To find this, I had to compare side-by-side, line-by-line, call-by-call between this test file and another test file that uses the exact same exception expecters (It's lucky, we had this), and just by chance, I happened to scroll to the top of this file's imports and see the blue underline saying prefer relative imports to /lib directory
No, they're not preferred; they're necessary, because the moment I changed that to a PACKAGE (absolute) import, everything suddenly started working.
What I learned from this is: Use absolute imports for test files (files outside the lib
- e.g. inside of
- DON'T: use
import '../lib/main.dart'
- DO: use
Maybe other people knew this already, but I didn't, and I couldn't find anything online with searches about this issue, so I thought I would share my experience that might help others who got stuck around this.
Does anyone know why this happens?
Edit: For context, this happened while using Flutter 2.1.4 (stable) with Sound Null Safety