I am dealing with property grid. I want to prevent auto sorting of column names for property grid. here is my code. Bold highlighted code is my source for property grid and its order is just like I want to see. But Ext is auto sorting column orders alphabeticly. How can I prevent that.
Thanks for any suggestion.
Ext.ns('Application.propertygrid'); Application.propertygrid.FileDetail = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.PropertyGrid, { title: 'File Detail', height: 200, border: false, stripeRows: true, flex: 1, initComponent: function () { Application.propertygrid.FileDetail.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments); }, source: { Name: 'Please select a file', Type: 'Please select a file', Size: 'Please select a file', Path: 'Please select a file', FullPath: 'Please select a file', Width: 'Please select a file', Height: 'Please select a file' }, listeners: { beforeedit: function(){ return false; // prevent editing }, headerclick: function(){ return false; // prevent column sorting on click } } }) Ext.reg('filedetail', Application.propertygrid.FileDetail);