Below is as far as I got. I don't have more time to spend on it, so I'll leave the rest of the sleuthing to you.
I couldn't find any documentation whatsoever. There are not even XML comments in the code, so I dug through the source code to get as far as I did. You're going to have to do the same.
The first thing you're missing is that you have to set the Computer.CPUEnabled
property to true before you call Computer.Open
. This causes Open to add a CPU hardware device.
The second thing you're missing is that you have to call Computer.Open
The third thing you're missing is that you have to call Hardware.Update
to get it to re-poll the hardware.
The fourth thing you're missing is that the sensor value is a Nullable<float>
. You have to check that there is a valid value there.
This still isn't enough. Although it now outputs four temperature sensors (on my machine), there never is a temperature value.
I dug through the settings and found that there are these long initialization items for the cpu and cpu's temperature. I added code to put those settings into the Computer
(at least for one of the cores), but it didn't have any effect.
What is failing is this call in IntelCpu.Update
Ring0.RdmsrTx(IA32_THERM_STATUS_MSR, out eax, out edx, 1UL << cpuid[i][0].Thread)
That's why I suspect there is some initialization missing.
Good Luck!
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public class MySettings : ISettings
private IDictionary<string, string> settings = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public MySettings(IDictionary<string, string> settings)
this.settings = settings;
public bool Contains(string name)
return settings.ContainsKey(name);
public string GetValue(string name, string value)
string result;
if (settings.TryGetValue(name, out result))
return result;
return value;
public void Remove(string name)
public void SetValue(string name, string value)
settings[name] = value;
public class Form1 : Form
Computer myComputer;
Timer timer = new Timer { Enabled = true, Interval = 1000 };
public Form1()
timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);
MySettings settings = new MySettings(new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "/intelcpu/0/temperature/0/values", "H4sIAAAAAAAEAOy9B2AcSZYlJi9tynt/SvVK1+B0oQiAYBMk2JBAEOzBiM3mkuwdaUcjKasqgcplVmVdZhZAzO2dvPfee++999577733ujudTif33/8/XGZkAWz2zkrayZ4hgKrIHz9+fB8/Iu6//MH37x79i9/+NX6N3/TJm9/5f/01fw1+fosnv+A/+OlfS37/jZ/s/Lpv9fff6Ml/NTef/yZPnozc5679b+i193//TQZ+/w2Dd+P9/sZeX/67v/GTf/b3iP3u4/ObBL//73+i+f039+D8Zk/+xz/e/P6beu2TQZju8yH8f6OgzcvPv/U3/Rb8+z/0f/9b/+yfaOn8079X6fr6Cws7ln/iHzNwflPv99/wyS/+xY4+v/evcJ+733+jJ5//Cw7/4ndy9Im3+U2e/Fbnrk31C93vrt/fyPvdb+N//hsF7/4/AQAA//9NLZZ8WAIAAA==" },
{ "/intelcpu/0/load/0/values", "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" },
myComputer = new Computer(settings) { CPUEnabled = true };
void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (var hardwareItem in myComputer.Hardware)
if (hardwareItem.HardwareType == HardwareType.CPU)
foreach (IHardware subHardware in hardwareItem.SubHardware)
foreach (var sensor in hardwareItem.Sensors)
if (sensor.SensorType == SensorType.Temperature)
Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} Temperature = {1}", sensor.Name, sensor.Value.HasValue ? sensor.Value.Value.ToString() : "no value"));