I want a fixed menu to appear in the left column of my site once the user scrolls 1000px down, but am not very experienced with jQuery/JS. I thought something like this would work but it isn't doing anything:
<div id="menu">[MENU_WILL_GO_HERE]</div>
var fixed = false;
$(document).scroll(function() {
if( $(this).scrollTop() > 100 ) {
if( !fixed ) {
fixed = true;
$('#menu').css({position:'fixed', display:'block'});
} else {
if( fixed ) {
fixed = false;
Is there a reason this doesn't work? The code is an example on http://jsfiddle.net/roXon/psvn9/1/, and even when I copy/paste that example exactly as it is into a blank html page, with a link of the latest jquery library, it still doesn't work like it does on that jsfiddle page. What could I be overlooking?
. jsfiddle.net/elclanrs/h3qyV/1 – Pernick