I'm trying to remove an object from an array of objects by its' index. Here's what I've got so far, but i'm stumped.
$index = 2;
$objectarray = array(
0=>array('label'=>'foo', 'value'=>'n23'),
1=>array('label'=>'bar', 'value'=>'2n13'),
2=>array('label'=>'foobar', 'value'=>'n2314'),
3=>array('label'=>'barfoo', 'value'=>'03n23')
//I've tried the following but it removes the entire array.
foreach ($objectarray as $key => $object) {
if ($key == $index) {
array_splice($object, $key, 1);
//unset($object[$key]); also removes entire array.
Any help would be appreciated.
Updated Solution
array_splice($objectarray, $index, 1); //array_splice accepts 3 parameters
//(array, start, length) removes the given array and then normalizes the index
unset($objectarray[$index]); //removes the array at given index
$reindex = array_values($objectarray); //normalize index
$objectarray = $reindex; //update variable
2=>array('label'=>'foobar', 'value'=>'n2314'
– Eleusis