I'm trying to upload files using the http client and I'm always getting a bad response from the backend. I'm assuming that the problem resides on the request, because apart from that, everything that my request has is exacly the same as the request I am making on aurelia http client.
In general here some information about the request headers from angular:
Request URL: https://*/document/document?name=ecv_template_en.pdf&classification=0
Request Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
Request payload:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="blobFile"; filename="ecv_template_en.pdf"
Content-Type: application/pdf
And the same request from aurelia http client:
Request URL: https://*/document/document?name=ecv_template_en.pdf&classification=0
Request Method: POST
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundarydb5u93415NsBfKEz
Now there isn't a request payload but a form data with a blobFile: (binary)
This is the angular code that I'm doing in order to reproduce the call:
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("blobFile", documentUpload.file);
return this.http
map(do stuff))
I've also checked the content of the formData and it's exacly the same both on aurelia request and angular request.
Also the endpoint that I'm calling is the following:
public ActionResult Create([FromForm]IFormFile blobFile,
[FromQuery] string name,
[FromQuery] ClassificationType classification)