After reading all answers in this post I started to learn about indexes and especially gin indexing on Postgres. And today I overcome my problem. Before using gin indexing method my query takes 8 mins to complete. Now same query takes 50 ms. It is a dramatic performance difference and I want to explain what I did step by step for the community.
Let's assume we have a table named table_1 and this table has a column named long_text. That long_text column stores long text data like strings which have length of 1500 characters. And this table_1 has 800.000 rows.
Postgres has a datatype which named as ts_vector. This ts_vector data type takes your long text and calculate the single distinct words of it(language based) and index that words in it. So we need to create a ts_vector column on our table_1 and convert our long_text column and populate ts_vector data from it. This will be like:
ALTER table table_1
ADD COLUMN long_text_tsv TS_VECTOR;
Populate ts_vector data from our long_text column:
UPDATE table_1 t1
SET long_text_tsv = to_tsvector('english', t1.long_text)
FROM table_1 t2;
Create gin index of that newly populated long_text_tsv column
CREATE INDEX tsv_index
ON table_1
USING gin(long_text_tsv);
After that you are ready to filter your long text data using that newly created and indexed tsv data
With tsvector data, your search query should be like this:
SELECT long_text FROM table_1
WHERE long_text_tsv @@ to_tsquery('john<->lennon&music');
ts_vector data should be searched by ts_query data type. In above query <-> means followed by, & means 'AND' operator.
With this method I explained, my search query speeds up 100 times faster than the old one.
I am not sure if I do this all in the right way but I assume I am doing ok because everything is looking fine in my program now. If something is wrong in that answer, please warn me about that.