I've tried a little Program... I want to run a program and see all method names in c# class... Here is the code
class Program
public int adf()
return 0;
static void Main(string[] args)
foreach (MethodInfo mInfo in typeof(Program).GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
private void bdf()
It's work fine, in result I've got this
Now , I want to pass to GetMethods function only one parameter and get result... I don't think it's a good way to pass 5 parameters with 'binary or(|)' ... In BindingFlags Enum is 19 fields and what it will be if I want to pass 18 parameters xD How can I do it passing only one value?
Here Is Enum
public enum BindingFlags
Default = 0,
IgnoreCase = 1,
DeclaredOnly = 2,
Instance = 4,
Static = 8,
Public = 16,
NonPublic = 32,
FlattenHierarchy = 64,
InvokeMethod = 256,
CreateInstance = 512,
GetField = 1024,
SetField = 2048,
GetProperty = 4096,
SetProperty = 8192,
PutDispProperty = 16384,
PutRefDispProperty = 32768,
ExactBinding = 65536,
SuppressChangeType = 131072,
OptionalParamBinding = 262144,
IgnoreReturn = 16777216,
I think it's very interesting and helpful question...