I have 2 tables, I want to filter the 1 table before the 2 tables are joined together.
Customer Table:
║ Customer ║ State ║
║ A ║ S ║
║ B ║ V ║
║ C ║ L ║
Entry Table:
║ Customer ║ Entry ║ Category ║
║ A ║ 5575 ║ D ║
║ A ║ 6532 ║ C ║
║ A ║ 3215 ║ D ║
║ A ║ 5645 ║ M ║
║ B ║ 3331 ║ A ║
║ B ║ 4445 ║ D ║
I want to Left Join so I get all records from the Customer table regardless of whether there are related records in the Entry table. However I want to filter on category D in the entry table before the join.
Desired Results:
║ Customer ║ State ║ Entry ║
║ A ║ S ║ 5575 ║
║ A ║ S ║ 3215 ║
║ B ║ V ║ 4445 ║
║ C ║ L ║ NULL ║
If I was to do the following query:
SELECT Customer.Customer, Customer.State, Entry.Entry
FROM Customer
ON Customer.Customer=Entry.Customer
WHERE Entry.Category='D'
This would filter out the last record.
So I want all rows from the left table and join it to the entry table filtered on category D.
Thanks to any help in advance!!