I am hosting a web service in JSON output by PHP.
I have Hebrew data set in DB and I am posting this as an output to Web service.
When I post the data initially it output the result as follows:
"tasklist": [
"customerID": "9936",
"name": "טר ×רמה ×™×–×•× ×•×‘×™× ×•×™ בע"מ",
"startdate":"03/01/201300: 00: 00"
But this "×ברר"
can be readable by Android/Iphone parser and convert it to original Hebrew. But i faced Error in "name": "טר ×רמה ×™×–×•× ×•×‘×™× ×•×™ בע"מ",
. where "
is in between the string so the JSON is not valid and shows error!
To Over come this issue I used UTF-8
to convert "×ברר"
this to Hebrew "נברר"
. But in this case too the problem remains same:
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
"tasklist": [
"customerID": "9936",
"name": "טר ארמה יזום ובינוי בע"מ",
"startdate":"03/01/201300: 00: 00"
But still the problem remains:
Also in some case I am getting this �
because of using UTF-8
"name":"מחצבות כפר גלעדי-חומרי מ�"
- How can I overcome this issue?
- Is there any other specific encode I need to use?
Note: The data cannot be changes in Database The solution should be while output to JSON.
How the data stored in DB is shown below:
מחצבות כפר גלעדי-חומרי מ×
My PHP Script which output JSON:
//My DB connection and Query comes here
$jsontext = '{"tasklist":[';
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($queryExe)){
$jsontext .= '{"customerID":"'.$row['AUTO_ID'].'",';
$jsontext .='"name":"'.$row['Customer_Name'].'",';
$jsontext .='"cargo":"'.$row['Type_of_Cargo'].'",';
$jsontext .='"destination":"'.$row['Destination'].'",';
$jsontext .='"quantity":"'.$row['Quantity'].'",';
$jsontext .='"startdate":"'.$row['startdate'].'"},';
$jsontext = substr_replace($jsontext, '', -1); // to get rid of extra comma
$jsontext .= "]}";
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
//Output the final JSON
echo $jsontext;
Thank you for your help in advance!
Was the question clear? to understand my issue.
but there's no tag about it. I supose many people end up here looking for:header('Content-Type: application/json');
orheader("Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8");
– Gigantean