I'm trying to extend the example grammar of PEG.js for parsing mathematical expressions with all the 4 operators for my online BASIC interpreter experiment:
but not all the expressions are parsed correctly.
This is my PEG grammar:
expression = additive
additive = left:multiplicative atag:("+" / "-") right:additive { return {tag: atag, left:left, right:right}; } / multiplicative
multiplicative = left:primary atag:("*" / "/") right:multiplicative { return {tag: atag, left:left, right:right}; } / primary
primary = number / "(" additive:additive ")" { return additive; }
number = digits:[0-9]+ { return parseInt(digits.join(""), 10); }
It parses correctly expressions like 2*3+1 (giving 7), but not an expression like 2-1-1, that gives 2 instead of 0.
Can you help me improving and debugging this?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: I've added the "number" rule to the grammar. And yes, my grammar gives as output a recursive structure that is analogue to a parse tree.