There is a Union All query as shown below. When fired in SQL server, I get an error
"Cannot resolve collation conflict for column 1 in SELECT statement."
Please, where do I add the Collate database_default statement with this Union All query?
select OrgCode,null as OrgName,
Q1_A1 as A1Value,Q1_a2 as A2Value,'Quarter 1' as dt,((Q1_A1-Q1_A2)/case when Q1_A1<>0 then Q1_A1 else null end )*100 Percentage
from #Tabl_Quarter_Calculation
union all
select OrgCode,null as OrgName,Q2_A1 as A1Value,Q2_a2 as A2Value,'Quarter 2' as dt,((Q2_A1-Q2_A2)/case when Q2_A1=0 then null else Q2_A1 end )*100 Percentage
from #Tabl_Quarter_Calculation
union all
select [OrgCode],[OrgName],a1Value,a2Value,dt
,cast((a1value-a2value)/cast(a1value as real)*100 as varchar(10))+'%' Percentage
from #Tbl_Display1
union all
--4 week average
select [OrgCode],[OrgName],sum(a1Value) as a1Value,Sum(a2Value) as a2Value,max(dt) as dt
,cast((sum(a1value)-sum(a2value))/cast(sum(a1value) as real)*100 as varchar(10))+'%' Percentage
from #Tbl_Display1
group by [OrgCode],[OrgName]
order by 1,5