I'm looking for a solution to waiting for an event to happen before sending a HTTP response.
Use Case
- The idea is I call a function in one of my routes:
This function return immediately. - But there exists 2 events that notice about if it succeed or fail to connect the device:
zwave.on('driver ready', function(){...});
zwave.on('driver failed', function(){...});
- In my route, I would like to know if the device succeed or fail to connect before sending the HTTP response.
My "solution"
- When an event happen, I save the event in a database:
zwave.on('driver ready', function(){
//In the database, save the fact the event happened, here it's event "CONNECTED"
- In my route, execute the connect function and wait for the event to appear in the database:
router.get('/', function(request, response, next) {
waitForEvent("CONNECTED", 5, null, function(){
// The function use to wait for the event
waitForEvent: function(eventType, nbCallMax, nbCall, callback){
if(nbCall == null) nbCall = 1;
if(nbCallMax == null) nbCallMax = 1;
// Looking for event to happen (return true if event happened, false otherwise
event = findEventInDataBase(eventType);
waitForEvent(eventType, nbCallMax, nbCall, callback);
setTimeout(waitForEvent(eventType, callback, nbCallMax, (nbCall+1)), 1500);
I don't think it is a good practice because it iterates calls over the database. So what are your opinions/suggestions about it?