I have a S3 bucket with versioning enabled. It is possible to undelete files, but how can I undelete folders?
I know, S3 does not have folders... but how can I undelete common prefixes? Is there a possibility to undelete files recursively?
I have a S3 bucket with versioning enabled. It is possible to undelete files, but how can I undelete folders?
I know, S3 does not have folders... but how can I undelete common prefixes? Is there a possibility to undelete files recursively?
I found a satisfying solution here, which is described in more details here.
To sum up, there is no out-of-the-box tool for this, but a simple bash script wraps the AWS tool "s3api" to achieve the recursive undelete.
The solution worked for me. The only drawback I found is, that Amazon seems to throttle the restore operations after about 30.000 files.
I created this simple bash script to restore all the files in an S3 folder I deleted:
recoverfiles=$(aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket MyBucketName --prefix TheDeletedFolder/ --query "DeleteMarkers[?IsLatest && starts_with(LastModified,'yyyy-mm-dd')].{Key:Key,VersionId:VersionId}")
for row in $(echo "${recoverfiles}" | jq -c '.[]'); do
key=$(echo "${row}" | jq -r '.Key' )
versionId=$(echo "${row}" | jq -r '.VersionId' )
echo aws s3api delete-object --bucket MyBucketName --key $key --version-id $versionId
= the date the folder was deleted
I found a satisfying solution here, which is described in more details here.
To sum up, there is no out-of-the-box tool for this, but a simple bash script wraps the AWS tool "s3api" to achieve the recursive undelete.
The solution worked for me. The only drawback I found is, that Amazon seems to throttle the restore operations after about 30.000 files.
You cannot undelete a common prefix. You would need to undelete one object at a time. When an object appears, any associated folder will also reappear.
Undeleting can be accomplished in two ways:
If a folder and its contents are deleted you can recover them using the below script inspired by a previous answer
The script is applicable to an S3 bucket where versioning is enabeled before hand. It uses the delete marker tag to restore files in an S3 prefix.
# Inspired by https://www.dmuth.org/how-to-undelete-files-in-amazon-s3/
# This script can be used to undelete objects from an S3 bucket.
# When run, it will print out a list of AWS commands to undelete files, which you
# can then pipe into Bash.
# You will need the AWS CLI tool from https://aws.amazon.com/cli/ in order to run this script.
# Note that you must have the following permissions via IAM:
# Bucket permissions:
# s3:ListBucket
# s3:ListBucketVersions
# File permissions:
# s3:PutObject
# s3:GetObject
# s3:DeleteObject
# s3:DeleteObjectVersion
# If you want to do this in a "quick and dirty manner", you could just grant s3:* to
# the account, but I don't really recommend that.
# profile = company
# bucket = company-s3-bucket
# prefix = directory1/directory2/directory3/lastdirectory/
# pattern = (.*)
# bash undelete.sh > recover_files.txt | bash
read -p "Enter your aws profile: " PROFILE
read -p "Enter your S3 bucket name: " BUCKET
read -p "Enter your S3 directory/prefix to be recovered from, leave empty for to recover all of the S3 bucket: " PREFIX
read -p "Enter the file pattern looking to recover, leave empty for all: " PATTERN
# Make sure Profile and Bucket are entered
[[ -z "$PROFILE" ]] && { echo "Profile is empty" ; exit 1; }
[[ -z "$BUCKET" ]] && { echo "Bucket is empty" ; exit 1; }
# Fill PATTERN to match all if empty
# Errors are fatal
set -e
if [ "$PREFIX" = "" ];
# To recover all of the S3 bucket
aws --profile ${PROFILE} --output text s3api list-object-versions --bucket ${BUCKET} \
| grep -i $PATTERN \
| grep -E "^DELETEMARKERS" \
-F "[\t]+" '{ print "aws --profile " PROFILE " s3api delete-object --bucket " BUCKET "--key \""$3"\" --version-id "$5";"}'
# To recover a directory
aws --profile ${PROFILE} --output text s3api list-object-versions --bucket ${BUCKET} --prefix ${PREFIX} \
| grep -E $PATTERN \
| grep -E "^DELETEMARKERS" \
-F "[\t]+" '{ print "aws --profile " PROFILE " s3api delete-object --bucket " BUCKET "--key \""$3"\" --version-id "$5";"}'
If you enabled the version for the bucket, Use the below command to retrieve the files or folder.
For folder with respective: -
echo '#!/bin/bash' > undeleteScript.sh && aws --output text s3api list-object-versions --bucket bucketname --prefix path/to/retrieve| grep -E "^DELETEMARKERS" | awk '{FS = "[\t]+"; print "aws s3api delete-object --bucket buckername --key \42"$3"\42 --version-id "$5";"}' >> undeleteScript.sh && . undeleteScript.sh; rm -f undeleteScript.sh;
For Files in the Bucket: -
echo '#!/bin/bash' > undeleteScript.sh && aws --output text s3api list-object-versions --bucket bucketname --prefix | grep -E "^DELETEMARKERS" | awk '{FS = "[\t]+"; print "aws s3api delete-object --bucket buckername --key \42"$3"\42 --version-id "$5";"}' >> undeleteScript.sh && . undeleteScript.sh; rm -f undeleteScript.sh;
I wrote an optimize version to recover in batch of 1000 files:
if [[ "$#" -lt 3 ]]; then
echo "Run: $0 <BUCKET> <PREFIX> <PROFILE>"
exit 1
echo "Restore bucket PREFIX - ${BUCKET}/${PREFIX}"
while true; do
result="$(aws --profile ${PROFILE} s3api list-object-versions --max-items 1000 --bucket ${BUCKET} --prefix ${PREFIX} --query '{Objects: DeleteMarkers[0:999].{Key:Key,VersionId:VersionId}}')"
if [ "$(echo $result|jq '.Objects')" == "null" ]; then
echo "No more files to undelete."
echo "Restoring:"
aws --profile ${PROFILE} --no-cli-pager s3api delete-objects --bucket ${BUCKET} --delete "$result" |grep Key
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) to a text file and then runcat myTextFile.txt | bash
to actually execute all the undelete commands – Keelia