Yes, a system such as you describe now exists on Clojure! It is none other than Gerry Sussman's companion system to his -and Wisdom's- SICM (Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics) book. For Clojure it's been named sicmutils, and ported by Colin Smith.
I've described it briefly elsewhere - - but in short yes, it definitely does the four things you F# article mentions, viz.
- Differentiation:
- Simplification of algebraic expressions
- Formatting
- Parsing of expressions
and much, much more...
1) Differentiation (full partial differentiation supported)
> (defn ff [x y] (* (expt x 3)(expt y 5)))
> ((D ff) 'x 'y) ==> (down (* 3 (expt x 2) (expt y 5)) (* 5 (expt x 3) (expt y 4)))
> ;; i.e. vector of results wrt to both variables
NB. Two types of vectors are supported, "up" and "down" to accomodate covariant and contravariant expressions
2) Simplification of expressions: Oh, yes...
> (def unity (+ (square sin) (square cos)))
> (unity 'x) ==> 1 ;; yes we can deal with symbols
3) Formatting: Expressions can be rendered in TeX for beautiful display.
I can't show this easily here, but currently a Maple-style notebook/workshhet is under development, using Clojure's "Gorilla"
4) Parsing: Obviously. Converting between expressions and functions is a core part of the system.
Have a look at . you don't even need Clojure to run it, you can use the supplied Java jar file.