According to MSDN:
hEvent: If an overlapped I/O operation is issued without an I/O completion routine (the operation's lpCompletionRoutine parameter is set to null), then this parameter should either contain a valid handle to a WSAEVENT object or be null.
As I'm using IOCP, when I call WSASend() or WSARecv() I pass NULL to their last parameter (i.e., lpCompletionRoutine):
WSASend(pIoRequest->GetSocket(), pIoRequest->GetWsaBuffer(), 1, NULL, pIoRequest->GetFlags(), pIoRequest, NULL);
WSARecv(pIoRequest->GetSocket(), pIoRequest->GetWsaBuffer(), 1, NULL, &(pIoRequest->GetFlags()), pIoRequest, NULL);
My "per I/O data" class (pIoRequest) looks something like:
class IoRequest : public WSAOVERLAPPED
SecureZeroMemory(this, sizeof(WSAOVERLAPPED));
hEvent = WSACreateEvent(); // A
void ResetForNextIoRequest()
WSACloseEvent(hEvent); // B
SecureZeroMemory(this, sizeof(WSAOVERLAPPED));
hEvent = WSACreateEvent(); // C
DWORD& GetFlags() { return m_dwFlags; }
DWORD m_dwFlags;
It doesn’t seem to make any difference to my program’s behaviour even if I comment out the lines marked A, B and C above.
So how do you decide when to call WSACreateEvent() or simply set hEvent to NULL?