I'm trying to learn Clojure, and am blocked up around the literal function syntax. I can't figure out what the literal function equivalent of (defn fourteen [] 14)
(def fourteen (fn [] 14))
;; => #'user/fourteen
;; => 14
(defn defn-fourteen [] 14)
;; => #'user/defn-fourteen
;; => 14
(def literal-14 #(14))
;; => #'user/literal-14
;; ClassCastException java.lang.Long cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn user/literal-14 (form-init2956929406616221071.clj:1)
I don't think this is a dup of How many arguments does an anonymous function expect in clojure?, but maybe it is and I just don't possess the experience to recognize that.
How, or can, I def literal-14 to allow the (literal-14)
invocation to work?