I'm making a widget for my WebView
app, and it's got a list of buttons on it. Currently, It's firing an intent whenever their pressed. In that intent, I'm putting some string extra's, but when the onNewIntent
receives the intent, the value for the extra is NULL
. So I'm stuck on receiving the actual string extra.
Here's the code on my list provider:
override fun getViewAt(positionIndexNum: Int): RemoteViews {
val extrasObj = Bundle()
extrasObj.putString("shortcutUrl", listViewUrlArr[positionIndexNum]) // I've tried hardcoding this part and it still returns null.
extrasObj.putString("shortcutJs", listViewJsArr[positionIndexNum])
extrasObj.putString("shortcutId", listViewIdArr[positionIndexNum])
val fillInIntentObj = Intent()
viewObj.setOnClickFillInIntent(listViewItemId, fillInIntentObj)
return viewObj
Here's the code from the onNewIntent
override fun onNewIntent(intentObj: Intent) {
val bundle = intentObj.extras
if (bundle != null) {
for (key in bundle.keySet()) {
Log.e("TAG", key + " : " + if (bundle[key] != null) bundle[key] else "NULL")
That outputs in the logcat:
shortcutUrl : NULL
shortcutId : NULL
shortcutJs : NULL
I've also tried: intentObj.getStringExtra("shortcutId")
which still returns NULL
I also have this PendingIntent
code in the updateAppWidget
val clickIntent = Intent(contextObj, MainActivity::class.java)
val clickPI = PendingIntent.getActivity(contextObj, 0,
clickIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE or PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
viewsObj.setPendingIntentTemplate(R.id.widget_list, clickPI)