I am having a slow brain day...
The tables I am joining:
PolicyNumber OfficeCode
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 A
OfficeCode AgentCode OfficeName
A 123 Acme
A 456 Acme
A 789 Acme
B 111 Ace
B 222 Ace
B 333 Ace
... ... ....
I want to perform a search to return all policies that are affiliated with an office name. For example, if I search for "Acme", I should get two policies: 1 & 5.
My current query looks like this:
Policy_Office P
INNER JOIN Office_Info O ON P.OfficeCode = O.OfficeCode
O.OfficeName = 'Acme'
But this query returns multiple rows, which I know is because there are multiple matches from the second table.
How do I write the query to only return two rows?