I have an Excel template that has a table (range: A4:AM5) which I need to expand by inserting rows via EPPlus. My code inserts the cell values in the file with no problem, but I need to extend the rows of the table according to each new value inserted in the first column.
I tried to use the InsertRow(5,1)
method but it shows an exception
"System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: 'Row cannot be less than 1. Parameter name: value'"
And the value presents:
{System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Row cannot be less than 1. Parameter name: value > at OfficeOpenXml.ExcelCellAddress.set_Row(Int32 value) > at OfficeOpenXml.ExcelNamedRangeCollection.InsertRows(Int32 rowFrom, Int32 rows, ExcelNamedRange namedRange) > at OfficeOpenXml.ExcelNamedRangeCollection.Insert(Int32 rowFrom, Int32 colFrom, Int32 rows, Int32 cols, Func`2 filter) > at OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet.InsertRow(Int32 rowFrom, Int32 rows, Int32 copyStylesFromRow) > at TestInsertRow.Program.Main(String[] args)}
I minimized the functions of the code into this one which also shows the same exception:
class Dnp3
private static ExcelPackage _dnp3Package;
private static ExcelWorksheet _worksheet1;
private static FileInfo _templateInfo;
private static FileInfo _newDnp3FileInfo;
public static bool TempFile
if (_templateInfo != null) return true;
return false;
if (value == true)
_templateInfo = new FileInfo(@" Existing template path ");
public static bool NewFile
if (_newDnp3FileInfo != null) return true;
return false;
if (value == true)
_newDnp3FileInfo = new FileInfo(@" Existing new file path ");
_dnp3Package = new ExcelPackage(_newDnp3FileInfo, _templateInfo);
_worksheet1 = Dnp3._dnp3Package.Workbook.Worksheets["DNP3_RTUs"];
public static bool Save
if (value == true)
public class DNP3_RTUs : Dnp3
private int _idobj_nameCol;//IDOBJ_NAME
private int _idobj_aliasCol;//IDOBJ_ALIAS
private int _idobj_customidCol;//IDOBJ_CUSTOMID
private int _idobj_aorgroupCol;//IDOBJ_AORGROUP
public bool Header
int _column = 1;
_idobj_nameCol = 1;
_idobj_aliasCol = 1;
_idobj_customidCol = 1;
_idobj_aorgroupCol = 1;
if (value == true)
while (_worksheet1.Cells[Row: 3, Col: _column].Value != null)
switch (_worksheet1.Cells[Row: 3, Col: _column].Value)
case "IDOBJ_NAME":
_idobj_nameCol = _column;
_idobj_aliasCol = _column;
_idobj_customidCol = _column;
_idobj_aorgroupCol = _column;
public bool AddRow(int _line)
_line = _line + 5;
_worksheet1.InsertRow(_line, 2);
return false;
public string IDOBJ_NAME(int _line, string _data)
_line = _line + 5;//Pq a entrada de dados começa na linha
_worksheet1.Cells[_line, _idobj_nameCol].Value = _data;
_worksheet1.Cells[_line, _idobj_nameCol].Style.Font.Size = 11;
_worksheet1.Cells[_line, _idobj_nameCol].Style.Font.Name = "Calibri";
return "";
public string IDOBJ_ALIAS(int _line, string _data)
_line = _line + 5;//Pq a entrada de dados começa na linha 5
_worksheet1.Cells[_line, _idobj_aliasCol].Value = _data;
_worksheet1.Cells[_line, _idobj_aliasCol].Style.Font.Size = 11;
_worksheet1.Cells[_line, _idobj_aliasCol].Style.Font.Name = "Calibri";
return "";
public string IDOBJ_CUSTOMID(int _line, string _data)
_line = _line + 5;//Pq a entrada de dados começa na linha 5
_worksheet1.Cells[_line, _idobj_customidCol].Value = _data;
_worksheet1.Cells[_line, _idobj_customidCol].Style.Font.Size = 11;
_worksheet1.Cells[_line, _idobj_customidCol].Style.Font.Name = "Calibri";
return "";
public string IDOBJ_AORGROUP(int _line, string _data)
_line = _line + 5;//Pq a entrada de dados começa na linha 5
_worksheet1.Cells[_line, _idobj_aorgroupCol].Value = _data;
_worksheet1.Cells[_line, _idobj_aorgroupCol].Style.Font.Size = 11;
_worksheet1.Cells[_line, _idobj_aorgroupCol].Style.Font.Name = "Calibri";
return "";
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Dnp3.TempFile = true;
Dnp3.NewFile = true;
Dnp3.DNP3_RTUs dNP3_RTUs = new Dnp3.DNP3_RTUs() { Header = true };
int _mappingCount = 1;
dNP3_RTUs.IDOBJ_NAME(_mappingCount, "BOQ_1");
dNP3_RTUs.IDOBJ_AORGROUP(_mappingCount, "mnem_se");
Dnp3.Save = true;