Is there a better way of doing this...
MyString.Trim().Replace("&", "and").Replace(",", "").Replace(" ", " ")
.Replace(" ", "-").Replace("'", "").Replace("/", "").ToLower();
I've extended the string class to keep it down to one job but is there a quicker way?
public static class StringExtension
public static string clean(this string s)
return s.Replace("&", "and").Replace(",", "").Replace(" ", " ")
.Replace(" ", "-").Replace("'", "").Replace(".", "")
.Replace("eacute;", "é").ToLower();
Just for fun (and to stop the arguments in the comments) I've shoved a gist up benchmarking the various examples below.
The regex option scores terribly; the dictionary option comes up the fastest; the long winded version of the stringbuilder replace is slightly faster than the short hand.
"abc".Replace("a", "c").Replace("c", "d")
will produce "dbd" as opposed to the expected "cbd". – Therianthropic