I had this same issue, and the workaround that I developed is to adjust the input command line arguments before they are fed to the optparse
parser, by concatenating whitespace-delimited input file names together using an alternative delimiter such as a "pipe" character, which is unlikely to be used as part of a file name.
The adjustment is then reversed at the end again, by removing the delimiter using str_split()
Here is some example code:
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# ---- Part 1: Helper Functions ----
# Function to collapse multiple input arguments into a single string
# delimited by the "pipe" character
insert_delimiter <- function(rawarg) {
# Identify index locations of arguments with "-" as the very first
# character. These are presumed to be flags. Prepend with a "dummy"
# index of 0, which we'll use in the index step calculation below.
flagloc <- c(0, which(str_detect(rawarg, '^-')))
# Additionally, append a second dummy index at the end of the real ones.
n <- length(flagloc)
flagloc[n+1] <- length(rawarg) + 1
concatarg <- c()
# Counter over the output command line arguments, with multiple input
# command line arguments concatenated together into a single string as
# necessary
ii <- 1
# Counter over the flag index locations
for(ij in seq(1,length(flagloc)-1)) {
# Calculate the index step size between consecutive pairs of flags
step <- flagloc[ij+1]-flagloc[ij]
# Case 1: empty flag with no arguments
if (step == 1) {
# Ignore dummy index at beginning
if (ij != 1) {
concatarg[ii] <- rawarg[flagloc[ij]]
ii <- ii + 1
# Case 2: standard flag with one argument
else if (step == 2) {
concatarg[ii] <- rawarg[flagloc[ij]]
concatarg[ii+1] <- rawarg[flagloc[ij]+1]
ii <- ii + 2
# Case 3: flag with multiple whitespace delimited arguments (not
# currently handled correctly by optparse)
else if (step > 2) {
concatarg[ii] <- rawarg[flagloc[ij]]
# Concatenate multiple arguments using the "pipe" character as a delimiter
concatarg[ii+1] <- paste0(rawarg[(flagloc[ij]+1):(flagloc[ij+1]-1)],
ii <- ii + 2
# Function to remove "pipe" character and re-expand parsed options into an
# output list again
remove_delimiter <- function(rawopt) {
outopt <- list()
for(nm in names(rawopt)) {
if (typeof(rawopt[[nm]]) == "character") {
outopt[[nm]] <- unlist(str_split(rawopt[[nm]], '\\|'))
} else {
outopt[[nm]] <- rawopt[[nm]]
# ---- Part 2: Example Usage ----
# Prepare list of allowed options for parser, in standard fashion
option_list <- list(
make_option(c('-i', '--inputfiles'), type='character', dest='fnames',
help='Space separated list of file names', metavar='INPUTFILES'),
make_option(c('-p', '--printvar'), type='character', dest='pvar',
help='Valid options are "yes" or "no"',
make_option(c('-s', '--size'), type='integer', dest='sz',
help='Integer size value',
# This is the customary pattern that optparse would use to parse command line
# arguments, however it chokes when there are multiple whitespace-delimited
# options included after the "-i" or "--inputfiles" flag.
#opt <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list=option_list),
# args=commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))
# This works correctly
opt <- remove_delimiter(parse_args(OptionParser(option_list=option_list),
args=insert_delimiter(commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))))
Assuming the above file were named fix_optparse.R
, here is the output result:
> chmod +x fix_optparse.R
> ./fix_optparse.R --help
Usage: ./fix_optparse.R [options]
Space separated list of file names
-p PRINTVAR, --printvar=PRINTVAR
Valid options are "yes" or "no"
-s SIZE, --size=SIZE
Integer size value
-h, --help
Show this help message and exit
> ./fix_optparse.R --inputfiles fileA.txt fileB.txt fileC.txt --printvar yes --size 10
[1] "fileA.txt" "fileB.txt" "fileC.txt"
[1] "yes"
[1] 10
A minor limitation with this approach is that if any of the other arguments have the potential to accept a "pipe" character as a valid input, then those arguments will not be treated correctly. However I think you could probably develop a slightly more sophisticated version of this solution to handle that case correctly as well. This simple version works most of the time, and illustrates the general idea.