It depends on the nature of your multi threading philosophy. For those of us who favour Communicating Sequential Processes a blocking queue is nearly perfect. In fact, the ideal would be one where no message can be put into the queue at all unless the receiver is ready to receive it.
So no, I don't think that a blocking queue goes against the very purpose of multi-threading. In fact, the scenario that you describe (the main thread eventually getting stalled) is a good illustration of the major problem with the actor-model of multi-threading; you've no idea whether or not it will deadlock / block, and you can't exhaustively test for it either.
In contrast, imagine a blocking queue that is zero messages deep. That way for the system to work at all you'd have to find a way to ensure that the logger is always guaranteed to be able to receive a message from the main thread. That's CSP. It might mean that in your hypothetical logger thread you have to have application defined buffering (as opposed to some framework developer's best guess of how deep a FIFO should be), a fast I/O subsystem, checks for keeping up, ways of dealing with falling behind, etc. In short it doesn't let you get away with it, you're forced to address every aspect of your system's performance.
That is of course harder, but that way you end up with a system that's definitely OK rather than the questionable "maybe" that you have if your blocking queues are an unknown number of messages deep.