I've got problems using "will_paginate", installing the GEM then unistalling... a REAL PROBLEM! So I decide to program the pagination on RoR, it was not difficult so I wanted to share what I did:
def index
#how many register per page i want to show
@b = 30
#params via GET from URL
a = params[:page].to_i
#first register per page
a1 = params[:page].to_i * @b
#the query can be easy...
@callcenters = Income.all(:joins => "LEFT JOIN radcheck ON radcheck.id = incomes.radcheck_id", :order => "created_at DESC",:limit => "#{a1},#{@b}", :select => "radcheck.username as clave,caller_id, created_at, value")
#I need to know how many pages somehow
@registrostotales = Income.all(:joins => "LEFT JOIN radcheck ON radcheck.id = incomes.radcheck_id", :select => "radcheck.username as clave,caller_id, created_at, value").count
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => @callcenters }
Total de registros: <%= numero = @registrostotales %><br/><br/>
<!-- total pages -->
<% pages = @registrostotales / @b %>
<!-- the last page -->
<% if pages % @b > 0 %><% pages = pages + 1 %><% end %>
<% (0..(pages-1)).each do |i| %>
<!-- href or link_to, http://xxxxxxxx/yyyy?page=i -->
<%= link_to i+1, :action => "index", :controller => "callcenters", :page => i %>
<% end %>
<!-- the view.. -->
<th>Teléfono (ID)</th>
<% @callcenters.each do |callcenter| %>
<td><%= numero - params[:page].to_i * 30 %><% numero = numero - 1 %></td>
<td><%= callcenter.caller_id %></td>
<td><%= Node.first(:conditions => {:calling_id => callcenter.caller_id}).description %></td>
<% end %>
I hope this helps to someone!