I know that there are some exception types that cannot be caught in catch blocks, like StackOverflowException
in .NET 2.0. I would like to know which other exceptions are inadvisable to catch, or are associated with bad practices.
The way I would like to use this list of exception types is to check it every time I am using Exception
in a catch block:
private static readonly Type[] _exceptionsToNotCatch = new Type[] { typeof(StackOverflowException) };
// This should never throw, but should not swallow exceptions that should never be handled.
public void TryPerformOperation()
catch (Exception ex)
if (_exceptionsToNotCatch.Contains(ex.GetType()))
I don't think I provided a very good example. That's one of the problems with trying to make an example trivial when trying to communicate one's meaning.
I never throw Exception myself, and I always catch specific exceptions, only catching Exception as follows:
catch (SomeException ex)
// This is safe to ignore.
catch (Exception ex)
// Could be some kind of system or framework exception, so don't handle.
My question was meant as more of an academic one. What exceptions are only thrown by the system and should never be caught? I am worried about situations more like this:
catch (OutOfMemoryException ex)
// I would be crazy to handle this!
// What other exceptions should never be handled?
catch (Exception ex)
// Could be some kind of system or framework exception, so don't handle.
This question was really inspired by the following: System.Data.EntityUtil.IsCatchableExceptionType(Exception) in System.Data.Entity, Version=
. Catch exceptions that you are prepared to deal with. It's often better to let an exception go than to swallow it if you have no real recourse for it. – Wrench