Here is my code for the karger min cut algorithm.. To the best of my knowledge the algorithm i have implemented is right. But I don get the answer right. If someone can check what's going wrong I would be grateful.
import random
from random import randint
#loading data from the text file#
with open('data.txt') as req_file:
mincut_data = []
for line in req_file:
line = line.split()
if line:
line = [int(i) for i in line]
#extracting edges from the data #
edgelist = []
nodelist = []
for every_list in mincut_data:
temp_list = []
for temp in range(1,len(every_list)):
temp_list = [every_list[0], every_list[temp]]
flag = 0
for ad in edgelist:
if set(ad) == set(temp_list):
flag = 1
if flag == 0 :
#karger min cut algorithm#
while(len(nodelist) > 2):
val = randint(0,(len(edgelist)-1))
print val
target_edge = edgelist[val]
replace_with = target_edge[0]
should_replace = target_edge[1]
for edge in edgelist:
if(edge[0] == should_replace):
edge[0] = replace_with
if(edge[1] == should_replace):
edge[1] = replace_with
for edge in edgelist:
if edge[0] == edge[1]:
print ('edgelist remaining: ',edgelist)
print ('nodelist remaining: ',nodelist)
The test case data is :
1 2 3 4 7
2 1 3 4
3 1 2 4
4 1 2 3 5
5 4 6 7 8
6 5 7 8
7 1 5 6 8
8 5 6 7
Please copy it in a text file and save it as "data.txt" and run the program
The answer should be : the number of min cuts is 2 and the cuts are at edges [(1,7), (4,5)]