I have a parser returning some string value I'd like to use as parameter for my class instance initialisation.
I have a method asking two NSString and a float value, but I can't convert the string to float, here is my code:
NSString *from = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"EUR"];
NSString *to = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[attributeDict objectForKey:@"currency"]];
NSNumber *rate = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithFloat:[[attributeDict objectForKey:@"rate"] doubleValue]];
currency = [[Currency init] alloc];
[currency addCurrencyWithFrom:from andTo:to andRate:rate];
in the .h
- (id) addCurrencyWithFrom: (NSString *) from_ andTo:(NSString *) to_ andRate:(float *) float_;
but I can't convert the string to float
- Do you mean here the string is NSString or a C String ? – Matthewmatthews