I am working on a large ASP.NET MVC Project(about 15 separate projects). We are using a Facade Design Pattern to call Business logic as well as other Projects.
Question: in MVC application is it a best practice to call a Facade from the ViewModel?
I am using single facade instances to call all the functions. I create a ViewModel for each Action and populate it with data from within the ViewModel. These results are making the ViewModel larger, but the Controller Action gets thinner because we are doing the work in the ViewModel now. In the ViewModel constructor I pass the facade instance and take what's needed from the business logic layer.
public class MyViewModel
private Facade _Facade;
public IEnumerable<SomeModel> Collection { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Years { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Quarters { get; set; }
public int SelectedYear { get; set; }
public int SelectedQuarter { get; set; }
public BottomUpForecastViewModel(EXFacade facade)
this._Facade = facade;
this.Years = GetFinancialYears();
this.Quarters = GetFinancialQuarters();
this.SelectedYear = DateTime.Now.Year;
this.SelectedQuarter = TimePeriods.GetQuarterNoForDate(DateTime.Now);
Collection = GetMonthlyCollection(SelectedYear, SelectedQuarter);// Take data from the _Facade(call facade)
public class MyController : Controller
public ActionResult BottomUpForecast()
return View(new MyViewModel(facade));
public ActionResult BottomUpForecast(MyViewModel model)
return View();
Is this good practice?
Do you have a suggestion for a better approach taking into consideration that we don't need to worry about Dependencies?
UPDATE : I found an interesting article about how to make controllers Lean "Put them on a diet": http://lostechies.com/jimmybogard/2013/12/19/put-your-controllers-on-a-diet-posts-and-commands/**
MyViewModel vm = new BusinessLayer().BottomForecastVM(); return view(vm);
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