(This question should probably be answered with a reference to Stroustrup.)
It seems extremely useful to be able to request a pointer to the most derived class, as in the following:
class Base { ... };
class DerivedA { ... };
class DerivedB { ... };
class Processor
void Do(Base* b) {...}
void Do(DerivedA* d) {...}
void Do(DerivedB* d) {...}
list<Base*> things;
Processor p;
for(list<Base*>::iterator i=things.begin(), e=things.end(); i!=e; ++i)
But this mechanism isn't provided in c++. Why?
Update, Motivating Example:
Suppose instead of having Base and Derived and Processor, you have:
class Fruit
class Apple : public Fruit
class Orange: public Fruit
class Eater
void Eat(Fruit* f) { ... }
void Eat(Apple* f) { Wash(f); ... }
void Eat(Orange* f) { Peel(f); ... }
Eater me;
for each Fruit* f in Fruits
But this is tricky to do in C++, requiring creative solutions like the visitor pattern. The question, then, is: Why is this tricky to do in C++, when something like "CAST_TO_MOST_DERIVED" would make it much simpler?
Update: Wikipedia Knows All
I think Pontus Gagge has a good answer. Add to it this bit from the Wikipedia entry on Multiple Dispatch:
"Stroustrup mentions that he liked the concept of Multi-methods in The Design and Evolution of C++ and considered implementing it in C++ but claims to have been unable to find an efficient sample implementation (comparable to virtual functions) and resolve some possible type ambiguity problems. He goes on to state that although the feature would still be nice to have, that it can be approximately implemented using double dispatch or a type based lookup table as outlined in the C/C++ example above so is a low priority feature for future language revisions."
For background, you can read a little summary about Multi-Methods, which would be better than a call like the one I mention, because they'd just work.
and the problem goes away. – Threatt