I can not solve the problem of spam. I only have 7.6 / 10 on Mail-Tester.com.
I specify that I use postfix, and I need it only for the sendings.
Here is my result: https://www.mail-tester.com/web-n0z33
Mail-Tester.com tells me that the problem come from ReplyTO… But I am obliged well to use ReplyTO so that I can click "to answer" when I receives an e-mail sent since a form of contact of my Web site.
I also specify that FROM I put an email address @my-domain.fr. Because if in FROM I directly put the email address of the visitor who fills my contact form I have even worse errors with Mail-Tester.com.
And here is my PHP code:
$mailer = new Mailer();
$mailer->setFrom([email protected])
->setReplyTo('[email protected]')
->setBody('front/specific-page/contact/contact-html', $data)
->addBodyText('front/specific-page/contact/contact-text', $data);
I use SwiftMailer with the driver at 'mail', but I created my own adapter so that's why I have this code. But it is easy to understand.
How to solve my problem? How to have a 10/10 rating with Mail-Tester.com?
Thank you very much.