As the wildcards (*) are in your data and not in your queries I think you should start with breaking up your data into pieces. You should create an index-table having columns like:
dataGroup INT(11),
exactString varchar(100),
wildcardEnd varchar(100),
wildcardStart varchar(100),
If you have a value like "Folder1/Folder2" store it in "exactString" and assign the ID of the value in the main data table to "dataGroup" in the above index table.
If you have a value like "Folder1/*" store a value of "Folder1/" to "wildcardEnd" and again assign the id of the value in the main table to the "dataGroup" field in above Table.
You can then do a match within your query using:
indexTable.wildcardEnd = LEFT('Folder1/WhatAmILookingFor/Data', LENGTH(indexTable.wildcardEnd))
This will truncate the search string ('Folder1/WhatAmILookingFor/Data') to "Folder1/" and then match it against the wildcardEnd field. I assume mysql is clever enough not to do the truncate for every row but to start with the first character and match it against every row (using B-Tree indexes).
A value like "*/Folder4" will go into the field "wildcardStart" but reversed. To cite Missy Elliot: "Is it worth it, let me work it
I put my thing down, flip it and reverse it" ( So store a value of "4redloF/" in "wildcardStart". Then a WHERE like the following will match rows:
indexTable.wildcardStart = LEFT(REVERSE('Folder1/WhatAmILookingFor/Folder4'), LENGTH(indexTable.wildcardStart))
of course you could do the "REVERSE" already in your application logic.
Now about the tricky part. Something like "*/Fo*4" should get split up into two records:
# Record 1
dataGroup ==> id of "*/Fo*4" in data table
wildcardStart ==> oF/
wildcardEnd ==> /Fo
# Record 2
dataGroup ==> id of "*/Fo*4" in data table
wildcardStart ==> 4
Now if you match something you have to take care that every index-record of a dataGroup gets returned for a complete match and that no overlapping occurs. This could also get solved in SQL but is beyond this question.
function provided by PHP to search directories. In one of the comments on that page, I see that you might run out of memory if you try and search over 500,000 files. – Grettagreuze