After installing kivy via a wheel i came upon an error in Pycharm when i refreshed my virtual env for python 3.4. The error is in the section
Pycharm: Projects -> Project Interpreter -> [Virtualenv packages]
Error/warning along the bottom shows "non-zero exit code"
My environment: Windows 8.1 64-bit Python 3.4.3 32-bit Pycharm 4.5.4 Virtual env - 3.4.3
This happened after i installed a wheel from "" (which is an awesome site... check it out) from the command line.
first i installed pygame from the downloaded wheel file located at"
C:\Users\<user_name>\3.4Python_32Bit\Scripts> pip3.4.exe install C:\Users\<user_name>\Downloads\pygame-1.9.2a0-cp34-none-win32.whl
next i adjust the cython version:
C:\Users\<user_name>\3.4Python_32Bit\Scripts> pip3.4.exe install -I Cython==0.21.2
then i installed kivymd & kivy garden via the pycharm virtualenv interface within pycharm - both installed successfully.
Finally i tried to install "kivy"
The results were initially good, it showed installed, the package loaded in the virtualenv within pycharm, but when i reloaded the virtualenv in pycharm to associate it to a package the pycharm interface showed "non-zero exit code." How can this be fixed, there is no other errors visible?