It's possible to override beans on springboot.
So you can use your beans and switch for mock values as you need
The example bellow is overriding services and using mock as you prefer but you can use interfaces as well.
Creating a service
public class ServiceReal {
@Autowired(required = false) // must be required=false. May be disabled by using mock configuration
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
public String getInfo() {
return jdbcTemplate...// get a real value from database
Creating a mock service
public class ServiceMock extend ServiceReal {
public String getInfo() {
return "Mocked value"
Config beans to choose one of them on properties later
public class ConfigMock {
private static final String PROP_VALUE_TRUE = "true";
private static final boolean PROP_FALSE_DEFAULT_MISSING = false;
private static final String PROP_SERVICE_REAL = "mocklocal.service.real";
private static final String PROP_SERVICE2_REAL = "mocklocal.service2.real";
@ConditionalOnProperty( value = PROP_SERVICE_REAL, havingValue = PROP_VALUE_TRUE, matchIfMissing = PROP_FALSE_DEFAULT_MISSING)
public ServiceReal serviceReal(){
return new ServiceMock();
@ConditionalOnProperty( value = PROP_SERVICE2_REAL, havingValue = PROP_VALUE_TRUE, matchIfMissing = PROP_FALSE_DEFAULT_MISSING)
public Service2Real service2Real(){
return new Service2Mock();
Config your to use mock
# using ConfigMock
# settig spring to override service and use mock
# disable some configuration not required in mocks. you can adjust for amqp, database or other configuration
# enable your service to use mocks not real services
so if you start your app using you will got mock values
And you can use on tests as well
@TestPropertySource(locations = "")
public class RunIntegrationTests {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void run() throws Exception{