when I deploy an application on JBoess 5.1 Jboss takes 3rd party jars from 3 different optional places that I am aware of:
1. my-app/WEB-INF/lib
2. [JBoss root]/lib
3. [JBoss root]/server/all/lib
my options to configure jboss-web and hence modify JBoss' class loading that I am aware of are as following:
option 2:
<class-loading java2ClassLoadingCompliance="false">
option 3:
<class-loading java2ClassLoadingCompliance="true">
while trying those options I got different deployment exception when trying the different options.
My question: what is the order of the 3 jar folders that I mentioned above in each one of those options.
those links of JBoss didn't help me to understand the different behavior: