I am trying to get "HttpServletRequest" in an AxisHandler's "handleMessage" method. My AxisHandler implements "SOAPHandler" as seen below code..
I need to get "HttpServletRequest" in "InBoundDirection", but it returns "null".
How can I get "HttpServletRequest" in "InBoundDirection" of SOAPHandler ?
Thank you..
public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext soapMessageContext) {
boolean direction = ((Boolean) soapMessageContext.get(SOAPMessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY)).booleanValue();
if (direction) {
System.out.println("direction = outbound");
} else {
System.out.println("direction = inbound");
HttpServletRequest servletReq=(HttpServletRequest) soapMessageContext.get(MessageContext.SERVLET_REQUEST);
// BECAUSE servletReq is null the following line returns a "nullPointerException"
return true;