i am trying to roll my own stock screener using the Yahoo Finance API.
While it is easy to get a heap of data (via XML or JSON) by providing the ticker symbol:
SELECT * FROM yahoo.finance.quotes WHERE symbol="RBS.L"
(See the results here and click 'test').
I am struggling to find a way to find stocks which match a certain set of criteria. For instance, say I want to grab a list of stocks whose Bid price is greater than 20
SELECT symbol FROM yahoo.finance.quotes WHERE Bid > 20.00
The query fails, with the following message:
Cannot find required keys in where clause; got 'Bid', expecting required keys: (symbol)
as can be seen here.
Is what I am trying to do possible? Is there a way to write the query string to get what I am looking for? Or is there a much simpler service out there that can help me out.
Would appreciate any help you guys can give me.
table nor any other existing YQL tables that I know of. If you find a data source which allows filtering in the manner you need, then it is easy to make that into a YQL table. – Newark