I have a simple html-site with an embedded Flash file and SWFobject is used on it.
This site is the src of an iframe. If I open the site with the iframe on it the console tells me …
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL file:///experiment/iframe-
test/index.html from frame with URL http://localhost.lan/embed/GYZA. Domains,
protocols and ports must match. -> swfobject.js
I wonder what the parent window (with the iframe in it) has to do with the swfobjet inside the iframe? So as mentioned above the swfobject is used to embed the flash on the child-page that is loaded into the iframe. The iframe-test/index.html
site has just …
<iframe src="http://localhost.lan/embed/GYZA" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
… on it. Nothing more. Why do I have an unsafe javascript attempt here
Any ideas on that? Thank you in advance.
update: Well, I just recognized that this happens to Youtube and Vimeo as well for their embedded players. I'm using the chrome console and the same error occurs for Youtube and Vimeo.