There are many questions about this subject, but none has come to the correct answer.
In summary, what out-of-the-box library/SDK provides finished/usable code for Building an Android App that can View: doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt, pptx, and PDF?
- Redirecting to Apache POI is not the answer, as it doesn't provide this functionality, only reading (some) these formats, display is required;
- Redirecting to all kinds of apps in the appstore is not the answer: yes you can use intents to open the file formats in these apps, but thats not within our own app;
- Redirecting to a transformation code is not the answer, as this is not possible within Android. (doc to html and then to PDF and use a PDF viewer? I only saw partial/buggy answers);
- Using Google Docs or other cloud solutions to display is not possible, offline usage is required;
Isn't there a company that provides native libraries, or an open source project/app that is implementing this?