I've got what i assumed was a fairly basic yard macro usage where i have a Hash structure with a number of options that is shared between multiple functions. I was hoping to use a macro simply to prevent me having to replicate this structure all over the place but it doesn't seem to work like that.
What i expected to work was:
# @macro [new] my_hash
# @param $1 [Hash,Array<Hash>] Inputted my_hash
# @option $1 [String] :a Value for A.
# @option $1 [String] :b Value for B.
# @option $1 [String] :c Value for C.
# my_func does stuff
# @macro my_hash h1
def my_func h1
# other_func does stuff
# @macro my_hash h2
def other_func h2, a, b
and have h1 and h2 documented correctly. I think i've figured out that at least the $1 doesn't work like that instead takes from the function itself but i can call the both parameters h1 and replace $1 with h1 in the macro and i still don't get what i want.
The "Defining simple macros" example at http://rubydoc.info/docs/yard/file/docs/Tags.md#macro would indicate that i can do this (note that i find examples with @!macro and some without but neither seem to work).
I don't know a lot about yard but does this just not work? Is there something similar that i can do to achieve my result? is there a debugging function that would explain this as no errors come up in the yard server console?
looks relevant. – Necrophobia