I am attempting to update a legacy Guice application, and I was wondering if there is any sort of preferred way of doing things when taking Servlet 3.0 annotations into consideration. For example, my application has a filter, FooFilter, which is defined in the Guice Module Factory method configureServlets(), as follows:
Map<String, String> fooParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
fooParams.put("someParam", "parameter information");
filter("/foo.jsp","/foo/*").through(com.example.filter.FooFilter.class, fooParams);
Is the above binding still necessary, or will it interfere with the following using the @WebFilter Servlet 3.0 annotation:
urlPatterns={"/foo.jsp", "/foo/*"},
initParams = {
@WebInitParam(name="foo", value="Hello "),
@WebInitParam(name="bar", value=" World!")
public class FooFilter implements Filter {
Which method is now preferred? Will they mess with each other?