You can add a method clear_thumbnails() to your model. In the clear_thumbnails() you use the delete function from sorl-thumbnail to delete the existing thumbnails. If the next time a view is rendered with the {% thumbnail %}
template tag is rendered, the new thumbnails are created.
Now you add a function that is run when the pre_save signal of the model that is related to the thumbnail is called. In this function you simple call your clear_thumbnails()
With this approach the thumbnails will be also deleted when you change the model in Django admin. (You could also catch the pre_delete signal)
Something like this:
## ##
from django.db import models
from sorl.thumbnail import delete as delete_thumbnails
class Route(models.Model):
def clear_thumbnails(self):
## ##
from django.db.models.signals import pre_save
@receiver(pre_save, sender=YourModel)
def receive_yourmodel_pre_save(sender, **kwargs):
Now you have a model that deletes the thumbnails whenever the model is changed. (Maybe you should add a check into the receiver if the of the pre_save or post_save signal if the image field was changed and only delete the thumbnails if this was happening)
If you have a lot of thumbnails then the management commands of sorl-thumbnails are useless. I have a few million entries in sorl-thumbnails key value store and the management commands never finish.
I ended up writing my own little cleanup script that is better then the one provided by sorl-thumbnails because it does not use so much memory and also shows a progress. Something like this:
function clean_thumbnails(self):
max_id = MyModel.objects.all().order_by('-pk')[0].pk
for id in xrange(max_id, 0, -1):
my_obj = MyModel.objects.get(pk=id)
print "processed object with id %s" % id
except MyModel.DoesNotExist:
I have this cleanup script setup as a RunScript as defined the Django extensions. Check out the Django extensions and the RunScript part. This is quite handy.
Hope this helps.