i'm building an app with angularjs, i have implemented infinite scrolling technique because i have a lot of items to show, so it's a better experience than pagination, but the bad thing that i'm having it's that if the user clicks on item it goes to item page, but when he wants to go back he will be on the top and he should keep scrolling. that's what i want to accomplish if he hits back button he could back to his position where he were !!
Listing Items:
<div class="container" id="infinit-container" ng-controller="ArticlesController">
<div id="fixed" when-scrolled="LoadMore()">
<div ng-repeat="article in Articles">
<article-post article="article"></article-post>
here is when-scrolled directive
app.directive('whenScrolled', function () {
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
var div = element[0];
element.bind('scroll', function () {
if (div.scrollTop + div.offsetHeight >= div.scrollHeight) {
thats the controller
app.controller('ArticlesController', function ($scope, UserService) {
$scope.Articles = [];
var page = 0;
$scope.LoadMore = function () {
.success(function (data) {
$scope.Articles.push.apply($scope.Articles, data);