We have used CouchDB
in production, mainly building apps in controlled environments. Most times, we use a middle-ware library to make direct calls onto couchdb/cloudant
, hence avoiding direct (Front-End JavaScript calls direct onto CouchDB/Cloudant
For security reasons, it is obvious that for an authenticated CouchDB database: http://{username}:{password}@IPAddress:Port/DB
OR for cloudant: https://{username}:{password}@username.cloudant.com/DB
If the call is directly made from JavaScript, Developer tools in the browsers today enable a person to realise this call and hence has access to your database entirely.
Attachments are usually painful when handled in the middle-ware. It is advantageous to make cloudant handle the caching and serving of the attachments directly to the front end hence relieving our middle ware from that. However, on the web and with a huge audience, making direct calls to our cloudant environment is tricky.
We started out by first of all having a separate cloudant account for all attachments such that, an inquisitive boy
will not tamper with the actual meta-data or information of our users. So, the only cloudant account they can have access to is that of the attachments since we are making direct JavaScript calls to our database.
Question: How do we find a way in which we hide the Username and Password of our cloudant environment thereby allowing us to securely make direct JavaScript calls onto cloudant ? Our infrastructure is entirely in the cloud, so we don't have proxies and stuff to work with. We have heard of Url shortening services, CDNs e.t.c. but, we have not come up with a really conclusive solution.