First off, I know that's a heck of a title.
Ive recently taken over angular-tooltip and am attempting to build a custom tooltip for my main work project.
In my project, I have an ng-repeat directive that simply says
<div class="row-submenu-white" ng-repeat="merge in potentialMerges | limitTo: numPotentialMergesVisible" company-profile-tooltip="merge.preview"></div>
Using the instructions for the library, I defined a custom tooltip directive:
myApp.directive('companyProfileTooltip', ['$tooltip', ($tooltip) => {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
scope: { profile: '@companyProfileTooltip' },
link: (scope: ng.IScope, elem) => {
var tooltip = $tooltip({
target: elem,
scope: scope,
templateUrl: "/App/Private/Content/Common/company.profile.html",
tether: {
attachment: 'middle right',
targetAttachment: 'middle left',
offset: '0 10px'
$(elem).hover(() => {;
}, () => {
Company.profile.html is simply:
<div>Hello, world!</div>
Now, if you notice, in the ng-repeat I have a limitTo
filter. For each of those (inititally 3) merges work perfectly, where a <div>Hello, world!</div>
tooltip is properly added.
Then I trigger the limitTo
to limit to a greater number. Each repeated element after the initial 3 gives me the following error:
TypeError: context is undefined
if ( ( context.ownerDocument || context ) !== document ) {
The error is in jquery-2.1.1.js, which debugging appears to be hopelessly over my head.
What I can tell you is that the function being called for that line is
Sizzle.contains = function( context, elem ) {
// Set document vars if needed
if ( ( context.ownerDocument || context ) !== document ) {
setDocument( context );
return contains( context, elem );
With a call stack of
Sizzle</Sizzle.contains(context=Document 046f7364-fa8d-4e95-e131-fa26ae78d108, elem=div)jquery-2.1.1.js (line 1409)
.buildFragment(elems=["<div>\r\n Hello, world!\r\n</div>"], context=Document 046f7364-fa8d-4e95-e131-fa26ae78d108, scripts=false, selection=undefined)jquery-2.1.1.js (line 5123)
jQuery.parseHTML(data="<div>\r\n Hello, world!\r\n</div>", context=Document 046f7364-fa8d-4e95-e131-fa26ae78d108, keepScripts=true)jquery-2.1.1.js (line 8810)
jQuery.fn.init(selector="<div>\r\n Hello, world!\r\n</div>\r\n", context=undefined, rootjQuery=undefined)jquery-....2.1.js (line 221)
jQuery(selector="<div>\r\n Hello, world!\r\n</div>\r\n", context=undefined)jquery-2.1.1.js (line 76)
compile($compileNodes="<div>\r\n Hello, world!\r\n</div>\r\n", transcludeFn=undefined, maxPriority=undefined, ignoreDirective=undefined, previousCompileContext=undefined)angular.js (line 6812)
m()angular....min.js (line 2)
.link/<()app.js (line 262)
jQuery.event.special[orig].handle(event=Object { originalEvent=Event mouseover, type="mouseenter", timeStamp=0, more...})jquery-2.1.1.js (line 4739)
jQuery.event.dispatch(event=Object { originalEvent=Event mouseover, type="mouseenter", timeStamp=0, more...})jquery-2.1.1.js (line 4408)
jQuery.event.add/elemData.handle(e=mouseover clientX=980, clientY=403)jquery-2.1.1.js (line 4095)
App.js line 262 being the link function of the directive supplied above.
For the life of me, I cannot figure out what makes the context undefined in repeated elements that come after the initial limitTo
is increased. What I can verify is that removing the limitTo
filter causes the behavior to be fine in each element throughout. What I can also verify is that the initial 3 elements do not work if I set the initial limitTo
value to 0 and increase it after.
Looking at the source code for limitTo
leads me to believe that a new array is constructed each time the amount you're limiting to changes. As to my understanding, this should cause angular to remove all the DOM elements and then change them, but I cannot tell if that change would change affect this in any way.
I know that there's not much to work off of, but I am lost as to how to debug this and could appreciate any help, or if there's any behavior in ng-repeat that I'm not aware of that could explain this.
and the first 3 tooltips work, change state to/company/id2
and none will work). – Mirabel