I have a spring-boot application which is monitored by monit. Monit just check the /health endpoint spring is exposing.
Basically, monit registered the following checks :
check host hopsearch_connection with address
if failed url with timeout 15 seconds then alert
check host hopsearch_health with address
if failed url
and content != 'DOWN'
with timeout 60 seconds
then alert
and the web application return something like that :
In this spring application, I have a general @ExceptionHandler to log all unexpected errors and to display an error page :
@ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
public String handleDefaultError(Exception ex, HttpServletRequest httpRequest) {
logException(httpRequest, ex);
return "error";
And this @ExceptionHandler logs every call from monit :
<11>May 1 13:20:39 IP 13:20:39.339 t=http-nio-8089-exec-3 l=ERROR c=c.h.s.w.c.ErrorManager m=Error 500
Request Path=
Header :
host =
accept = */*
connection = close
user-agent = monit/5.4
<11>May 1 13:20:39 IP 13:20:39.340 t=http-nio-8089- exec-3 l=ERROR c=c.h.s.w.c.ErrorManager m=Unexpected error : java.io.IOException: Broken pipe
at sun.nio.ch.FileDispatcherImpl.write0(Native Method) ~[na:1.8.0_25]
at sun.nio.ch.SocketDispatcher.write(SocketDispatcher.java:47) ~[na:1.8.0_25]
at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.writeFromNativeBuffer(IOUtil.java:93) ~[na:1.8.0_25]
at sun.nio.ch.IOUtil.write(IOUtil.java:65) ~[na:1.8.0_25]
From monit perspective, everything is fine and the check works. From my perspective, the application works. But I have a lot of errors dumped in the log.
I don't succeed to reproduce on my workstation with curl. This exception only happens on the server with monit.
Is it possible to ignore an error based on a specific user agent in an ExceptionHandler ? (and how ?)
It wouldn't be the best solution but I don't see any other way.
Any thoughts about that ?