I have the Problem that my Java-Application is exporting a larger amount of clobs from a database, but always runs out of temporary tablespace as the old clobs are not freed.
A simplified code example how I do it would be:
public void getClobAndDoSomething (oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement pLSQLCodeReturningClob) {
try (OracleCallableStatement statement = pLSQLCodeReturningClob) {
statment.registerOutParameter(1, Types.CLOB);
oracle.sql.CLOB clob = statement.getCLOB(1);
Reader reader = clob.getCharacterStream();
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(reader);
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (e.getErrorCode() == 1652) {
//Server ran out of temporary tablespace
} else
} catch (IOException e) {
If this method is called in a loop it will always end up running out of temporary table space at some point.
The only reliable way to free the space is by closing the connection and opening a new one (for example by using clob.getInternalConnection.close()
) but this would slow down the application and make the current multi-threaded approach unusable.
Sadly the oracle documentation on ojdbc where not really helpful and google only found articles telling me to use the free()
method of lobs which is not even implemented by oracles temporary clobs.
Additional Note:
This issue does also occur when using oracles APEXExport.class
to export a big workspace.
Driver and System specifics:
- OS: Windows 7 Professional x64
- Java: 1.8.0_45 64-Bit
- ojdbc: 6 (Are there more specific versions?)
- Database: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Test code if you have a APEX-Application:
java.sql.Connection con = getConnection();
String gStmtGetAppClob = "begin ? := wwv_flow_utilities.export_application_to_clob(?, ?, ?, ?); end;";
int appId = 100;
while (true) {
OracleCallableStatement exportApplicationToClob = (OracleCallableStatement) con.prepareCall(gStmtGetAppClob);
exportApplicationToClob.setString(3, "Y"); //Public reports
exportApplicationToClob.setString(4, "N"); //Saved reports
exportApplicationToClob.setString(5, "N"); //Interactive report notifications
exportApplicationToClob.setBigDecimal(2, new BigDecimal(appId));
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
After more testing I found out that the clobs are getting freed at some point without closing the connection. So it seems like the free()
is actually a lazyFree()
. But this can take more than a minute.
I can also convert the CLOB to Clob, don't know what I was doing wrong earlier. Problem stays unchanged if using Clob.
call is also executed in the exception case, though! – Dunoisfree()
in the catch block. Did not put it into the example. Unfortunately I can't use the standard JDBC API as the DB does return a temporary clob. Standard JDBC can only handle clobs stored in a table. (Casting or Converting leads to an exception) – Radmen