I recently inherited a very old code base (written in 2006) that uses the spring framework. Right now, the goal is to get it semi-functional, which I've almost done. However, there is some code I can't seem to fix that uses the class "FlowAction" from 'org.springframework.webflow.executor.struts.FlowAction'. This used to exist in the spring-webflow-1.0.6.jar, but no longer exists in 2.4.2.
Can anyone give me any hints for how to fix the following code using more recent spring framework code?
<action path="/secure/FRONT/enrollAction"
name="webflowActionForm" scope="request"
type="org.springframework.webflow.executor.struts.FlowAction" />
Please keep in mind that this is an attempt to get this very old code working so telling me it's impossible is fine, but please provide a good reason why (I'm no spring expert). I've googled and searched the spring code to no avail, but I'm hoping it's as simple as using a different library. Thanks for any input!
Based on the first comment below, struts is no longer supported. I am offering a bounty for someone who knows how to update this code. I assume an alternative exists, or was offered by the spring framework, for code that was using the old libraries. If anyone knows what that is, I would greatly appreciate it. I just need help on how I would update the specific block of code above and am happy to provide any further information needed.