In Antlr 4, I have a grammar which takes strings of format x*Y, x+y, etc
I want to catch an error when an invalid operator is used, such as x&y. If I add code like:
parser.AddErrorListener(new MyErrorListener());
And define MyErrorListener as :
public class MyErrorListener : BaseErrorListener
public override void SyntaxError(IRecognizer recognizer, IToken offendingSymbol, int line, int charPositionInLine, string msg, RecognitionException e)
SyntaxError isn't called in the X&Y case....but will be called in the X& case...
I am thoroughly confused, as the console listener will show an error for both forms, yet my custom one won't. All I really want to be able to do is say "If there is a parsing error of any kind, do x" but I can't seem to figure this out.
Here is part of the grammar btw:
equation : boolEquation (op=(AND|OR) boolEquation)* ;
boolEquation : NOT? boolExpression ;
boolExpression :
left=expression (op=relop right=expression)? #BoolExpressionMatch ;
expression :
name=ID LPAREN expList=expressionList RPAREN #FunctionMatch
| left=expression op=(TIMES | DIV | MODULUS) right=expression # ExpressionMatch
| left=expression op=(PLUS | MINUS) right=expression #ExpressionMatch
| LPAREN expression RPAREN #ParenthesizedExpressionMatch
| atom #AtomMatch ;
atom : number #NumberMatch
| string #StringMatch
| variable #AtomVariableMatch
| unaryValue #UnaryValueMatch
| boolean #BooleanMatch ;
string : ID ;
boolean : TRUE | FALSE;
unaryValue : EMPTY | PRESENT ;
func : name=ID LPAREN expList=expressionList RPAREN ;
expressionList : (expression (COMMA expression)*)? ;
variable : WORD(POINT WORD)* #VariableMatch ;
Interestingly enough, even when I remove all the error listeners, I still see this output to the console: line 1:1 token recognition error at: '?'