I'm limited to .net 3.5 and want to use Reactive Extensions with F# 3.0.
Apparently, F# and RX introduce different versions of System.IObservable<T>
open System.Reactive
open System.Timers
open System
let main argv =
let timer = new Timer(500.0)
timer.AutoReset <- true
|> Observable.scan (fun i _ -> i + 1) (-1)
:> IObservable<int>
|> ignore
This fails with: The type 'System.IObservable' is not compatible with the type 'System.IObservable'
Is it possible to use both? Or is there a version of RX compatible with .net 3.5 without conflicts? I also tried looking for sources of rx 1, but didn't find, although I'm not sure if it will be useful