Suppose I write some plotting program. This program depends on a module that can draw graphics primitives. But that graphics module could be anything that supports the used operations. It could be a module that plots on screen or writes to a file format or controls a robot with a pen.
I'd like to dynamically switch that module. In C++, one would typically use the abstract factory pattern: The plotting program receives a factory as a parameter from where it constructs the desired graphics primitives. It would be perfectly feasible to implement the factory pattern also in Python.
But - would it be a good idea to just use the package as a parameter? From the pure technical perspective, a program like following would work:
import screen_graphics
import robot_graphics
def my_plot_prog(graphics_lib):
my_plot_prog(screen_graphics) # plot on screen
my_plot_prog(robot_graphics) # R/C robot with a pen
Can I do it like that or are there some serious pitfalls or better approaches?